Using the Service Catalog


How to use the Service Catalog



The Service Catalog is a convenient way to request many services available to JCCC employees and students.

Each service offering includes:

  • An overview of the service
  • Details to assist you in providing information to submit your request

Once a service offering is requested you will receive an email with the ticket number and information provided in the request and support staff are notified of the ticket. 



Searching for Service Offerings

Service Offerings are organized by categories.  You can search for available service offerings by browsing and selecting an offering from a category or by entering a keyword in the search box on the top right and selecting a service offering from your search result. Visit Search the Service Catalog for more information about this topic.

You can also search by selecting Services A-Z on the bar above Service Catalog.


Submitting a Request for a Service Offering

Once you find the service offering you would like, select the blue Request button on the right, fill out the needed information to complete your request. Visit Submit a Service Catalog Request for more information about this topic.



Article ID: 1247
Mon 6/1/20 6:20 PM
Thu 11/9/23 12:57 PM

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