Use the Ticket Status option to see all your submitted requests and their status. Sort (by ticket id, request, service, modification date) and search for key terms within your listed requests.
Navigate to the Client Portal home screen. If prompted, enter your JCCC username and password to log in.
- Select My Requests from the Client Portal home screen to view all your submitted requests.
- Select the Request Title of a ticket to view additional ticket detail.
- Use the search box at the top find key words or a specific ticket number within your submitted requests.
- Select a column title to sort your requests by that column.
If this article didn’t answer your question or solve your issue, please call the TSC at 913-469-7700 or create a ticket by clicking here: (https://planning.jccc.edu/TDClient/37/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=206)