Wireless Printing Documents at JCCC Using PaperCut


This article provides instructions for wireless printing in the JCCC Library and the open Computing Centers located in RC 335 and LIB 227.



  1. Log into Papercut.
  2. Select Web Print from Menu on left side.
  3. Select Submit a Job.
  4. Select desired printer 
  5. Select 2. Print Options and Account Selection.
  6. Enter number of copies.
  7. Select 3. Upload Documents.
  8. Add files.
  9. Select Upload & Complete.

See additional information about PaperCut on the JCCC Website.

If this article didn’t answer your question or solve your issue, please call the TSC at 913-469-7700 or create a ticket by clicking here: (https://planning.jccc.edu/TDClient/37/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=206)