Articles related to Canvas and related integrated applications such as Respondus and Yuja

Articles (19)

Access Canvas for Credit Students

This article describes how credit students can access Canvas.

Access Canvas Through the Mobile Application

This article describes how to access Canvas from the Canvas Student mobile application.

Access Canvas Training Resources

This article describes accessing training resources for Canvas

Access TurnItIn

In order for a student to view the results of their TurnItIn submission through Canvas the user must follow these steps.

Canvas - Student Training and Tips

This article provides training and tips for students including tutorial resources to better understand the various elements in Canvas such as grades, assignments, discussion threads and technical requirements.

Canvas Course Content Related Support for Students

Student support for Canvas course related issues.

Canvas Exceeded File Space Quota

This article provides the steps to determine how much space is used and how to delete files in Canvas.

Change Canvas Notification Preferences

Canvas notifications can be received weekly, daily, immediate, or no notifications for a variety of topics to stumail.

Change Course Colors in Canvas

Canvas gives each course in your dashboard a random background color. This article provides instructions to change the course colors in Canvas.

Change Default Language in Canvas

Instructions for changing the default language in Canvas.

Download Assignment Submissions From Canvas

This article describes how to access and download assignment submissions in Canvas.

Install Respondus Browser

Installation of Respondus browser used in certain Canvas quizzes and tests.

Join a Zoom Class Meeting

Many instructors conduct class online in Canvas via Zoom. This article describes how to join a class meeting via Zoom using a computer or a mobile device.

Remove Canvas Course from Dashboard

Sometimes a course will still show up in the Canvas Dashboard because the instructor has extended the end date. This article describes steps to take when an unwanted course still shows up in Canvas.

Sending Messages in Canvas

Instructions for sending messages in Canvas.

Student Resources for Yuja

Student self-help documentation for Yuja.

Syncing the Canvas Calendar With a Non-Canvas Calendar Across Multiple Devices

This article walks students through the process of syncing their class calendar across multiple devices and non-Canvas platforms.

Unable to View Canvas Course

information for students who cannot view courses in Canvas.

Upload YuJa Files to Canvas Manually

This article describes a workaround for uploading a YuJa video when the upload stalls and fails to complete. It also describes the location YuJa will save recordings on the local system.